
Project Specimen

Project Specimen is an 8 piece series that explores the landscapes of both the microscopic and macroscopic worlds of our universe. Our biological makeup is very rooted in our environment. With the busy, narrow focused lives modern people live today; many of us forget to observe the beauty around us and to ground ourselves in the miracle of human existence. My paintings are a series of diptychs that juxtapose the contrasting worlds of the microscopic and macroscopic landscapes. I chose specimen subjects that relate to each other formally to push my point that we are very connected to our environment. Subjects like a human eye, a flower, a leaf, and human skin. Their counterpart is constructed using dry paint material and composed through collage. The texture this gives adds to the tactile quality of the microscopic landscape. Even though we cannot see this world, it has so much life and character…just as much as the subjects it encompasses. As science is very rooted in my art making, this series illustrates my observations of the world around me and my relationship to it as it strikes me on a spiritual level.